Bridging the Gap
Just Pay-As-You-Drive…
Buying a diesel bus today is risky investment. Owners make a large down-payment and then service a bank loan over many years. If anything happens during the loan period (i.e. rising fuel costs, higher interest rates, a pandemic!), owners can be left with nothing!
BasiGo's Pay-As-You-Drive lease changes the game for bus owners. With Pay-As-You-Drive, owners can acquire an E-Bus for a minimal upfront cost. Owners then pay an affordable Pay-As-You-Drive fee which includes all charging and maintenance services provided by BasiGo.
Since Pay-As-You-Drive is mileage-based, owners only pay if their Electric Bus is operating. With Pay-As-You-Drive, owning an electric bus is as Easy as Driving.
Owning an electric bus is as easy as driving!
Benefits of Pay-As-You-Drive
Lower Costs
Owners pay a lower deposit than a diesel bus and then an affordable, mileage-based fee to get all the benefits of a BasiGo E-Bus. With Pay-As-You-Drive, owners can break even on their deposit in less than 12 months!
All Inclusive
Pay-As-You-Drive lease makes life simple for owners by including charging, service, cleaning, roadside assistance, and vehicle insurance. With Pay-as-you-Drive, there are no more fuel and service payments,f just a simple fee based on the distance driven.
Full Transparency
With BasiGo’s PAYD software, owners and financiers have full visibility of their E-bus fleet including real-time tracking, bus performance, service records, and lease payments. PAYD provides a new level of control and transparency in a bus investment.
Simplifying Bus Ownership
With diesel buses, owners are directly responsible for fuel, service, repairs, and management of their fleet.
Pay-As-You-Drive eliminates this burden. When a bus owner signs up for a Pay-As-You-Drive E-Bus, BasiGo provides all charging, all scheduled maintenance, and roadside assistance free of charge. Through the PAYD portal, BasiGo also provides owners with real-time monitoring and comprehensive analytics of every electric bus in their fleet.
BasiGo is bringing more than just electric buses to Africa’s bus operators. With Pay-As-You-Drive, bus owners get transparency, simplicity, and peace of mind from their bus operation.
Access to a Charging Network
The #1 concern bus operators have when switching to electric is charging. With Pay-As-You-Drive, operators get free access to BasiGo’s growing network of Electric Bus charging depots located directly along bus routes across the city. BasiGo manages all aspects of charging infrastructure deployment and management, including the cost of power. Through Pay-As-You-Drive, operators know their buses will be charged every night from a charging network that is convenient, reliable, and guaranteed.
Maximizing Uptime
With Pay-As-You-Drive, operators have peace of mind knowing that service and maintenance for their E-Bus is included for free. BasiGo’s expert service operation guarantees 90% uptime for our E-buses, and also offers free roadside assistance and comprehensive vehicle insurance. Most importantly, since owners pay BasiGo based on kilometers driven, BasiGo is invested alongside bus operators in keeping the Electric Bus on the road in good condition.