Leading the Charge


Energizing Tomorrow’s Commute

For Electric Buses to function in Nairobi, drivers rely on reliable charging that is easy to access. BasiGo has deployed Kenya’s first DC Fast Charge network for electric buses. Our charging depots are located conveniently along bus routes and have dedicated connections to Kenya Power, ensuring BasiGo E-buses are always charged and ready for operation. Our CCS-2 chargers can recharge an electric bus in 2 hours. They can also offer quick charging for any compatible passenger car or truck.

Powered by Kenya’s 90% renewable energy, BasiGo’s charging network is ready to make Kenya a world leader in sustainable transport!

Our Charging Stations

Provide a charging site

Charger Specifications

Guaranteed Uptime with
BasiGo Service

Every BasiGo E-Bus comes with comprehensive service and maintenance provided by BasiGo. With a complete warehouse of spare parts and expert staff inspecting and maintaining buses at night as they charge, BasiGo guarantees operators 90% uptime for their bus every month. Through Pay-As-You-Drive, operators receive:

  • Free scheduled maintenance

  • Nightly inspections

  • Free roadside assistance

  • Comprehensive vehicle insurance

Charge with us

Sign up below to charge your vehicle at any of our charging stations.