We’re here to drive the future.
The Problem
By 2025, Africa will have 10 mega-cities each with over 10 Million people. Diesel buses are the primary mode of transport in these cities accounting for 40% of all trips. But meeting mobility needs of a growing population with more diesel buses poses an enormous challenge. Diesel tailpipe emissions already choke the air with toxic pollution. Dependence on diesel imports directly affects economic growth. All while diesel-powered buses further accelerate catastrophic climate change across the African continent. To keep pace with their own growth, African cities are in need of a sustainable mobility revolution.
The Opportunity
Africa is home to some of the most abundant clean energy in the world. Over 70% of the electricity in East Africa already comes from renewable sources such as hydropower, geothermal, solar, and wind. Replacing a diesel bus in East Africa with an electric bus has greater social, environmental, and climate impact than anywhere else in the world, all while saving bus owners money. Africa has the opportunity to become global leaders in the transition to inclusive, sustainable public transport.
Who are We?
Headquartered in Nairobi, BasiGo is starting a sustainable mobility revolution in African cities. We bring together experts in electric vehicles, public transport, the power sector, asset finance, software, and data science. What binds us together is our belief that Africa can be a global leader in the transition to inclusive, sustainable public transport, and our commitment to making that a reality.
Our Commitment to ESG
BasiGo's commitment to ESG principles is integral to our mission of transforming Africa’s urban transport. For the Environment, we are committed to creating clean transport solutions that can scale to meet the urgency of our climate and environmental crisis. Socially, we are committed to making clean transport accessible and affordable to all while building inclusive employment opportunities across our ecosystem. Our governance is rooted in transparency, ethical practice, and accountability to ensure we uphold our values. ESG shapes how we grow our business, work with partners , and preserve this precious planet which we all share.
Our Values
We make safe, clean transport ACCESSIBLE to all people in Africa.
We REVOLUTIONIZE the bus experience for owners and passengers.
We build solutions that SCALE to meet the urgency of the climate crisis.
We succeed as a TEAM by helping each other grow and thrive.